Running is arguably the world’s most popular form of exercise. With the popularity of running, it should be no surprise that many runners experience overuse injuries that cause them to take time off. The actual rate at which running related injuries (RRI) occur may astonish you with some studies reporting >80% of runners being forced to take time off due to injury on a yearly basis! The high frequency at which RRI occurs makes preventing injury that much more important.
Leppanen et al recently investigated two approaches for exercise based prevention of RRI. Over 300 novice runners were randomized to three groups, one performing a Physical Therapist guided hip and core exercise program, one performing a guided foot and ankle exercise program, and a control group performing static stretching. The average weekly overuse injury rate was 39% lower in the hip and core group compared to control and substantial overuse injuries occurred at a 52% lower rate in the hip and core group versus control. There was no difference in overuse injuries between control and the foot and ankle exercise group. In fact, the foot and ankle exercise group experienced an increased rate of acute injuries compared with control!
If you enjoy running for exercise, ensure you are taking steps to prevent injury by booking an appointment with one of the Physical Therapists at RISE to develop a customized strength program and keep churning out the mileage!
Leppänen M, Viiala J, Kaikkonen P, Tokola K, Vasankari T, Nigg BM, Krosshaug T, Werthner P, Parkkari J, Pasanen K. Hip and core exercise programme prevents running-related overuse injuries in adult novice recreational runners: a three-arm randomised controlled trial (Run RCT). Br J Sports Med. 2024 Jun 20;58(13):722-732. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-107926. PMID: 38724071.