The Biering-Sorensen test is an assessment of muscular endurance for the low back and hip extensors. The test is performed by having the subject anchored in a prone position (face down) either with legs strapped to a table or positioned on a GHD/Roman Chair with the hip anchored at the iliac crest. The test subject is instructed to maintain the upper body isometrically in a horizontal position for as long as they are able. In test subjects experiencing no difficulty, the test is stopped after 240 seconds.
The Biering-Sorensen test matters because the amount of time an individual is able to hold this position is predictive of their likelihood to experience low back pain in the future! Inability to hold the position for greater than 176 seconds predicts an individual is likely to experience low back pain in the next year while the ability to hold the test position for greater than 198 seconds suggests absence of low back pain in the next year!
This test has been repeatedly studied in groups of individuals currently experiencing low back pain, with a history of low back pain, and completely asymptomatic. All the research agrees, it is an accurate and valid test that is easily reproducible and extremely relevant to low back pain. Whether you are currently experiencing low back pain, have a history of low back pain, or are seeking to prevent low back pain in the future then you should perform the Biering-Sorensen test to identify your baseline. The expert clinicians at RISE are experienced in helping individuals with low back pain and can help guide you through the process from pain to pain-free or provide you with a customized program to help you stay pain-free in the future! Book an appointment today for your comprehensive assessment and individualized plan.